Brewer High School Art
The Brewer High School Art Department offers a variety of classes that provide students with the opportunity to learn, explore and enhance their skills in multiple mediums.
- Art 1: The intro to art course explores the elements of art and multiple mediums.
- Art 2: This class provides a more in-depth exploration of the elements of art and principles of design with a better understanding of solving art challenges creatively
- Art 3 & 4: Students utilize their knowledge of the elements and principles of art to challenge their individual creativity and explore with many medias to create professional quality artworks.
- AP Art: Offered in 2D, 3D and Drawing, students in AP select a sustained investigation and create a portfolio for scoring with the College Board.
The Art Club—65 members strong—participates in a variety of community and campus art projects and takes a fun, multi-museum field trip.